Ses­sion 14

De­scrip­tion 2

It’s mid­day out­side the Well­spring. Des­pite the warmth be­low, the sur­face is cold and the wind bites at you; the corpses of the thugs frozen on the ground. While the sun is out for you, to the east, the weather looks dark.

To get here, you first jour­neyed North to Sylvat, and then West to the Well­springs. To your South East, dir­ectly to Sylvat are the lower foot­hills of the De­nau moun­tains. Lael knows the foot­hills could be faster but are more dan­ger­ous.

Lower foot­hills 2

Ran­dom en­coun­ters 2

d4+d6 en­counter
2 1 [hill gi­ant]
3 Frozen ban­dit corpses
4 Shrine to Sil­vanus
5 1 ice [cult fan­atic] and 1d4 ice [cult­ists]
6 Land­slide
7 Ban­dit camp (2d4+2 [ban­dits])
8 1d4+1 Sil­vat [druids]
9 Ban­dit cave (3d4+4 [ban­dits])
10 2 [white dragon wyrm­ling]

Sil­vat 2

The vil­lage of Sil­vat will wel­come their re­turn, cel­eb­rat­ing their vic­tory. They will of­fer to cure wounds twice for to the char­ac­ters and gift two health po­tions.

Ay­meluma 2

The vil­lage will be in and out of dis­cus­sions on how to ef­fect­ively lead the vil­lage in the Coun­cil of Eld­ers build­ing.

In the Coun­cil of Eld­ers build­ing, Lord Ilphas and Lady Alasse’s rooms will be empty. The other ex-lead­ers will be liv­ing in sep­ar­ate ac­com­mod­a­tion. Ilphas will be try­ing to in­flu­ence the fu­ture of the vil­lage to keep the Eld­er’s voices.

Lady Glyn­lamin will ap­pear to be mostly re­covered, though will still look tired.

Shrine of Sil­vanus 2

If the char­ac­ters get there by the 8th dusk:

The sun sets in the small clear­ing, light­ing the carved wooden statue of Sil­vanus. Its legs ap­pear to grow out from the stone plinth. The stone plinth has an oak leaf carved into it.

If they ap­proach af­ter­wards:

The clear­ing has a carved wooden statue of Sil­vanus. Its legs ap­pear to grow out from the stone plinth. The stone plinth has an oak leaf carved into it.

If the char­ac­ters wait for 1 hour, Ori­hil will be told to go to the shrine by Ori­hil.

Ser­vant Ori­hil 2

A man limps out of shad­ows of the forest into the clear­ing. You re­cog­nise the Ser­vant Ori­hil. Where he looked re­fined and tidy be­fore, his clothes are torn and his dirty skin is covered in bruises and gashes.

Ori­hil has been asked by Ely­dir to cast the dir­ec­tion of blame else­where. He will blame Prince Mor­cant, the cur­rent leader of De­naura (the nearby city) cit­ing an­cient ten­sions between the cit­ies. He will say that they have al­lied with Sil­vanus. He will keep the ex­plan­a­tion short.

If a char­ac­ter suc­ceeds on a DC 15 Wis­dom (In­sight) check against Ori­hil, they will no­tice there is something odd about Ori­hil’s speech, it seems a bit delayed, as if he was re­mem­ber­ing a script or be­ing told what to say.

If a char­ac­ter suc­ceeds on a DC 13 In­tel­li­gence (Re­li­gion) check, they will no­tice it’s odd that Sil­vanus is al­ly­ing with a city.

Ori­hil will re­fuse to go into any more de­tail, whether or not he is caught ly­ing, on fear of death or worse. He will try to flee if he feels threatened.

Ely­dir 2

Ely­dir is angry that the char­ac­ters have thwarted her plans, pre­vent­ing her from caus­ing prob­lems in Ay­meluma. Ely­dir does­n’t be­lieve that the char­ac­ters know who she is yet.

Ely­dir is shift­ing her fo­cus to try­ing to get her­self freed. She be­lieves the char­ac­ters have enough skill to re­trieve her am­u­let and could be of use to her through ma­nip­u­la­tion.

Ely­dir will ob­serve the any in­ter­ac­tion between the char­ac­ters and with Ori­hil us­ing Scry­ing. She will use the Send­ing spell to in­struct Ori­hil what to say, or threaten him.

Long rest 2

Level up