The Re­gion of De­nau

The Van­quished: Chapter 2

Table of con­tents

De­nau was once a land once pro­tec­ted by the harshest of weather and the people thrived on fer­tile vol­canic lands be­fore Ely­dir’s curse.

A tiled map of the Denau region

People 2

Icebring­er’s Ic­tus 2

Tower road 2

To see how quickly the ad­ven­tur­ers get through the city to the, the char­ac­ters can take a DC 20 Sur­vival (Wis­dom) check. On a:

Gen­eral en­vir­on­ment: Moor–wil­der­ness → Road in the moors → Road through hilly–forest → Road through hilly–forest broken up by pas­tures (moun­tains and city in dis­tance)

The De­nau Moun­tain path 2

Steep moun­tain path that winds up the wooded foot­hills of the moun­tains. As the path climbs the moun­tain, it will climb along the top of an icy rav­ine, with cliffs down to the right. This path climbs for about 10 miles. Along the top of this rav­ine, it’s ex­tremely cold (p110 DMG).

About 7 miles up the moun­tain, there will be strong winds (p110 DMG) and is ob­scured by heavy snow (p110 DMG, heavy pre­cip­it­a­tion). Play­ers will think they hear a howl­ing on the wind. Around here, a DC 16 per­cep­tion check will show that there are an­imal tracks around. A suc­cess­ful DC 18 Wis­dom (Sur­vival) check will identify these as three wolves and two winter wolves which have trav­elled up the moun­tain.

After an­other mile, the play­ers will be set upon by two winter wolves (p340 MM) and three wolves (p341 MM). In the area there will be chunks of slip­pery ice (p110 DMG), tall cliffs and rocks to hide be­hind.

After an­other half mile, the rav­ine even­tu­ally dis­ap­pears and the char­ac­ters are now in a path between two moun­tains, still climb­ing.

At the top of path fol­low­ing up the rav­ine, the path splits: to the north, fur­ther up the moun­tain; and to the east, down the moun­tain. A mostly covered sign­post shows that the [[moun­tain mon­as­tery]] is up the moun­tain, and Ay­meluma is down the moun­tain.

Com­ing back down the moun­tain on east side, the play­ers will fol­low a river that joins from the east of the moun­tain.