
The Van­quished: Chapter

Table of con­tents

Jairnt 2


Small vil­lage with a tav­ern called The Watch­ers Tav­ern, the ac­com­mod­a­tion is mod­est.

The play­ers may hear about the ru­mours.

The Watch­ers 2

Out­side the tav­ern:

The tav­ern leans against its neigh­bours, the tiled roof sag­ging. Warm light spills out of the win­dows and bois­ter­ous chat­ter em­an­ates, in­vit­ing you in from the quiet cold and dark. You can smell wood smoke and charred meat.

In­side the tav­ern:

The mo­ment you open the door, warm air floods out. The must of to­bacco smoke and spices fill the room, com­bin­ing with the smoke and charred meat. The many merry pat­rons chat­ting loudly amongst them­selves hardly look over, though one shouts, “Get in! Quickly! You’re let­ting the warmth out.” A few people keep to the corners, alone and cloaked but little at­ten­tion is paid to them.

The bar has a few people be­ing served at the bar by a young teen boy.

The bar serves cheap wine, reas­on­able ale, and cider. Some spiced meats can be served as well.